Love stargirl chapter summaries
Love stargirl chapter summaries

love stargirl chapter summaries

We'll see how accurate the spoiler in Love, Stargirl is.


Of course, now my daughter wants to read it so I downloaded it for free since it is in the public domain. I finally decided to give Love, Stargirl four stars for the following reasons: 1) It was wonderful to read from Stargirl's point of view, 2) Spinelli's writing is phenomenal, 3) I cried, 4) The issue of journal entries is one of my things and will probably bother few others, and 5) My daughter loved it. I know it's short, but this short quote represents well Spinelli's beautiful and poetic writing skills. And he looks pretty happy to be doing so.

love stargirl chapter summaries

Jerry Spinelli Our man reads from our book.


Cover Art Star plus girl equals Stargirl. I will sail into the future on mystery's wings and I will not look back. Love, Stargirl If Stargirl floats your boat, then be sure to check out the sequel. I don't want to share my favorite quote with you, because it is the last of the book, but I will share this short quote: The theme is still about the beauty of being different. uniqueness? I don't know about that either, but Love, Stargirl definitely has her in a drastically different environment. Is it because we are seeing people from her point of view? Or is it because the town she lives in happens to have a higher quota of. So I don't know what was going on there, and I kind of missed the costumes. In fact, in the one scene where it would have been totally appropriate to wear a costume, she doesn't. Did she stop wearing costumes? It seems like it. However, in Love, Stargirl, I can't remember any detail given about her clothes. The reason I mention this is because her clothes were a big issue in Stargirl, big enough to mention several times. Maybe her experiences in Stargirl changed her a little bit I don't know. Stargirl remains quite true to her unique self but seems less weird since we are looking through her eyes. The second half was much better than the first and I cried at the end. While I think Love, Stargirl would have been better if it had been written the same way Stargirl was, I am glad I finished it. Also, my daughter really enjoyed the book, so I didn't call it quits. Explore Studypool's library of literature materials, including documents and Q&A discussions. There are three books tormenting me right now because I didn't finish them, even though two were so bad, it felt like trying to overcome a huge mountain of boring homework. Find helpful summaries and analyses for every chapter in Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge.

love stargirl chapter summaries

I rarely abandon books, and when I do, there is this little nagging feeling that never seems to go away- a feeling that there is something out there left unfinished. Halfway through, I was tempted to abandon it, which I hate to do. In addition, it starts off slowly and I had a difficult time getting into it. Right away, that was a strike against Love, Stargirl. I am not a fan of the journal entry style of writing. She revisits a few scenes from Stargirl and tells of her life in her new home. Love, Stargirl is a letter from Stargirl to Leo, written in the form of a diary of sorts. In all honesty, I debated between three and four stars with this one.

Love stargirl chapter summaries